The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 647: Robin C

Say'ri? Hello? ...Er, I had a question for you.

I am in the tent, my lady. Enter and be welcome.

Finally! It feels like I've been looking for...

Oh! I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were changing! I'll, er, just step outside.

Fie, Robin! We are both women, yes? And I've no shame in my body. ...But if it makes you uncomfortable, I shall dress. Give me but a moment.

(Time passes)

Sorry to keep you waiting, my lady. Now, you had a question?

Well, I did, yes. ...But now I'm actually more interested in your smallclothes.

At least, I assume that's what they were? Those bolts of white cloth?

Aye, you have the right of it. My culture has many unique customs- most-like our smallclothes differ as well.

But they're just strips of cotton wrapped around your chest and hips. It looks like they could fall off at any moment.

I'm honored that you are interest in the customs and culture of Chon'sin. Mayhap next time we have a moment, I could tell you more.

Well, certainly, thank you. I'm most interested... and it may even prove useful. Who knows to what mysterious lands this campaign will end up taking us? A crash course on different cultures might be excellent preparation.

I shall be honored to serve as your guide to Chon'sin, Robin.